Advocacy -
Advocacy workshops encourage Black same gender loving men and those that love and work with them to stand up and address issues paramount in our Black same gender loving community. Session attendees will be equipped to address issues of homophobia, stigma, communicate about Black issues, and other aspects to assure the Black same gender loving community is not disrespected, disregarded or misrepresented.
Leadership workshops focus on building leaders within the Black same gender loving community. Leaders are those that are not afraid to stand counted among the Black same gender loving community. The workshops will address how to become comfortable in your own skin to stand in the Light and not in the shadows.
Health & Wellness-
Health & Wellness workshops will address issues that are specific to men with regard to their sexual orientation. These workshops will address issues of HIV, but also other concerns that plague the Black male experience; hypertension, stress, depression, prostate cancer, drug and alcohol abuse, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.
Spirituality workshops will address issues surrounding Black same gender loving men and those that love and work with them about their spirituality. These workshops will address the realities of being Black, Gay and Christian, What the Bible states about homosexuality, Does God love same gender loving people?, AIDS is not Gods punishment for our sexuality, etc.
Relationship workshops will address issues surrounding relationships with partners, friends, family and colleagues. The workshop will address all types of relationships and not just romantic and sexual relationships. The workshops will address dating, sexual roles, monogamy, financial responsibility, etc.